Expectations causing indigestion?

Expectations! Expectations! Expectations!
Aah! They cause so much of dissatisfaction
And become the reason of endless miseries
If not dealt with, well in time!
We say it's not good to expect or have feelings of possession
Or expect certain kind of behaviour from someone 
But, I feel it is all so complex! 
Human nature seems so damn complex! 
I feel like, we tend to turn our faces off the people who are behind us 
And the people whom we are behind, turn off their faces from us! 
Is this not a never-ending cycle? 
Can't we have some sort of equilibrium? 
Some sort of balance in between? 
What is it when we expect something from someone? 
Is it not our over-thinking levels 
Which make us feel ignored and neglected 
When that someone doesn't behave in the way we want him/ her to behave? 
Why can't we accept the things
the way they are, the way they are served to us! 
And if we are getting hurt time and again, we should get out of it without thinking of it much! 
I think it's the same as food 
The taste of which stays on our taste buds just for a few seconds 
But for its preparation, we spend so much  time, energy and efforts 
And our intake of food gets affected by the variety of food in front of our eyes 
It's not the taste of food 
Which actually regulates the intake proportion
But it is its appearance what makes all the difference 
we will eat more if the food is of our choice
And if it's not of our choice, we will eat it a little less 
It's all our thought process! 
The limitation of our thoughts about it 
That so and so is my favourite, so I'll have a good appetite for it 
And oh.. I don't like it so I would prefer skipping the meal altogether. 
Similarly, our life also resembles this food preparation and consumption process... 
We spend so much time in thinking and expecting, 
That how should people behave or respond to our things. 
If they do as we expected, we are okay 
But if any deviation comes in the scene,
Our mind do not like it's flavour. 
And sourness starts to come in 
Spoiling the beauty of the relation. 
So, I guess, it's a difficult process 
But we can leave everyone to their choices 
And should try to understand their state of mind when they didn't react the way we wanted them to! 
Also, the one who expresses  it out to the other 
Always think that she or he is the biggest victim who has not been taken seriously by the other, 
And most of the times, this attitude results in ignorance of the feelings of another person. 
Simply thinking, "he or she doesn't care "!
The simple rule follows well here, 
Love it or leave it, no space for regretting it. 
Do not play a blame game, it's a waste of energy and time! 
Be like a wind chime, embrace the air (your relations) 
Or just don't be present in the space whose air you do not like! 


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