Unconscious Lifestyle
Do you know how you sleep, what do you eat, how do you think, what do you think, how do you behave, what you like, what you dislike... Everything makes who you are and all of these will have a combined effect on how you actually become- smart, active, cranky, healthy, unhealthy, fit, obese or just name anything!
Generally, it is taught to us since childhood that study well to be successful and lead a happy life thereafter. But it is hardly taught to us that to be happy, the foremost thing is to stay healthy. Until and unless we are mentally and physically sound, we will not be able to give our 100 per cent to be successful and even if we become successful, if we do not take care of ourselves, we will not be able to taste the success for long. It will diminish soon with our diminishing health.
Thus, it is very important to have a balanced lifestyle in order to be a healthily happy being!
Hmmm...so following a perfectly natural healthy diet scares the hell out of you too, then select which category do you really belong to:
-Aah, it's so nutritionally insufficient!
-Where will I get my protein, calcium and carbohydrates?
-Only fruits and veggies...and no CHEESE!
-Okay, one meal a day is still fine with me but going for a completely restrictive diet..no no not my cup of tea
-I will lose all my strength if I give up on everything meat, dairy products, etc
-Nooooo, I do not want to be stated as an 'outcast' by my family and friends
-I really wish I could, but I am not courageous enough to change my habits
So if you have selected one or many out of the options above, did you realise that all these claims are based on misconceptions, unfounded assumptions or just your pessimistic, self-limiting projections?
Boooooom! Startled a bit?
Keen to explore more?
Kids are born ambidextrous. But as they grow up, they are conditioned to do certain things with their right hand, and certain things with their left hand and thus one part of the body is comparatively more active than the other. They are taught to eat more and more to become stronger. Eating at the right fixed time is given more preference over real hunger. This is the reason as we grow up we tend to learn subconsciously to not listen to our subconscious ( the inner voice) be it to not eat food on a full stomach or use the washroom on a priority basis, etc.,
Our lifestyle had become such that we do not pay attention to small - small signals our bodies give while we are busy multi-tasking and ignore them until it becomes worse.
The body is a self-healing organism which will heal when harmful practices are
discontinued and healthful practices are implemented. For example, when we fall ill we don't feel like eating. But we force ourselves to eat. We fall ill for the simple reason that there is something wrong inside, some sort of toxic elimination has taken place inside. Our duty is to pay attention to and help the healing process by taking rest, eating less, to save more energy for healing than digestion.
For every person working on cause, there are thousands working on symptoms. The human body is very intelligently designed and has all the power within to heal and live peacefully with nature. We are all finite in our capacities. We cannot comprehend the concept of infinity, and we are mystified by many simple realities of existence.
This treatise treats an area largely unexplored and uncharted. When we view
the vastness of the incredible multitude of faculties possessed by the human body, we
must stand in awe of the enormous intelligence displayed in each of the quintillions of processes conducted within the body daily. We must stand in wonderment and
awe at the precision we observe. We cannot help but conclude that the body operates
on principles that manifest the reign of law and order within the organic realm. We
must observe that we are constituted of such an order as to comply in every act with
the universal laws of existence.
A holistic approach is the need of the hour to lead a rich life - a life rich in happiness, strength and wealth!
1. Eating foods derived directly from nature or atleast with the minimum processing
2. extra sleep and complete rest whenever the body demands ( जान है तो जहां है)
3. proper workout, yoga
4. Sitting with oneself and reflecting on blessings for at least 5 min a day
5. Love it or leave it should be the motto. Either love what one has to do, or leave it and find something else but no cribbing over things.
By cooperating with nature and changing our injurious lifestyle habits, we'll enjoy a blossoming of health and spirit. This program takes work and discipline, but the better we feel the easier it becomes, on our way to a wonderful life free of suffering and full of happiness and wellness.
Health is wealth is spoken very often but is taken care of just often!
Health can definitely get us wealth, but wealth never guarantees us to regain our health. So the choice is absolutely ours to make. Health or wealth or both; happiness or success or both.
For instance, the blue zone regions might not be the richest in terms of money but they are richer than the world's richest!! They live a hundred years with peace and without hospitals just because they have a healthy lifestyle passed to them from Henderson to generation as heritage!
Do not believe in what's written, rather trust your own inner voice. This is your voice, your teacher. The truth is within and not without. Know yourself, not others.
The path of the seeker is full of pitfalls and temptations and the seeker must walk it alone with the Almighty and with oneself!
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